" You want your business systems to do the thinking and the problem solving for you. To the point where you can hire anyone, even Grandma, to copy the same keystrokes and click on the same buttons to generate predictable results for your clients."

How To Take a 90 Day Hoilday

Imagine being able to take 90 days off from running your business and responding to clients.

Leaving your laptop at home while you explore the world for 3 months, taking selfies, creating memories with friends and family, or stuffing your face with delicious food.

All the while knowing your clients are looked after, getting results, and everything is running smoothly.

Most business owners read that sentence and laugh.

“I can’t even go a couple of hours without my clients messaging me with a new problem to fix!

“I'd be happy if I could go a few DAYS without having to put out client fires.”

“Oh no, another business-scaling guy, what are they going to sell me now?🙄🙄”

And if you are still reading, you might be wondering what the answer is. How it is possible? Or whether this is another hyped advert and I am lying. 🤔

I have had my business for 13 years. I started to take time away from working on the business back in 2016. Each year, I would work 9 months ON the business and then 3 months completely OFF from the business — I’m not going to lie, it has been amazing.

The secret is systems

❌Not hiring A-Players or another VA

❌Not outsourcing your work to a white-label company

❌Not having huge SOPs with complex Asana, Trello, Checklists, or Monday tasks.

All of these make life harder, more complex, and less predictable, with nonstop Slack notifications, fires to put out, work to be re-done, client complaints ... the list goes on and on. Let us not do that.

You are the bottleneck.

Emails only get answered as fast as you can write.

New clients only get signed when you start or end the deal cycle.

The quality of work depends on how much energy you have that day.

The business can only grow to your capacity.

You are overwhelmed with work and it is not the work you wanted.

Instead, you want to build your business on systems, not people you rent. You own systems you can duplicate, clone, speed up, or slow down.

Specifically, systems around service delivery which utilize quality-control triggers, before and after protocols, and isolated input processes.

Systems are predictable; people are not.

You want your business systems to do the thinking and the problem solving for you. To the point where you can hire anyone, even Grandma, to copy the same keystrokes and click on the same buttons to generate predictable results for your clients.

And when you have systems like these built, you can use that free time to spend with family and friends, with work that’s done right the first time around, and with clients singing praises for your business and referring everybody in their network to you.

(Plus, you actually feel confident taking on all those referrals because you know your team can handle it.)

If all this sounds interesting to you, I’ve got a movie for you. Yes, a movie.

It’s a movie on scaling businesses on systems first, rather than people. You can download it here at https://app.jamiestenhouse.com/hypersystemisemovie

This methodology for building, scaling, and selling businesses has been tried and tested. Even if you do not believe it can be done, I urge you to listen to those with opposing views who share your interest, to be able to understand the full landscape ahead of you. 🙏

Jamie Stenhouse

Jamie Stenhouse

Jamie Stenhouse is an internationally renowned consultant exclusively serving fellow business owners.

After running and selling multiple businesses, he is now the creator of the "Dream Team Intensive" – a unique methodology that helps owners to hyper-systemise their business and build their Dream Team.

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How To Build “Operating Systems” To Scale Your Business, Create Time, Increase Profits, Remove errors, and Work Less.