Meet Claire:

A case study on team ownership of systems.

Claire is wonderful at supporting and enabling children to play and develop a wide range of skills in environments supported by skilled play workers.

These skills support all areas of children's wellbeing and alleviate the more stressful elements of modern childhood such as academic pressure and increased online socializing.

What she didn't know was how to develop "ownership" of systems and processes within her teams. This led to her being pulled in all directions within her business. She didn't know how to be less hands on and more present with the business and the bigger picture.

Let's break it down:

Who? Claire

Problem: Team isn't taking ownership of the systems which led to Claire being pulled in all directions.

Solution: Join our Dream Team Intensive (our hands-on consulting program that shows you how to build “operating systems” to scale your business, create time, increase profits, remove errors, and work Less.)

Did it work? It did. Claire is now addicted to systems and the time she is saving every year.

Claire has graciously sent me this private message within our commnuity.

Claire's story is extremely common.

I'd go as far as calling it "text book", or "case study" classic. Let me explain...

When you're just getting started in business, you tend to excel at your craft and begin learning how to manage other areas of the business. This usually leads to a sudden growth spike since you're doing everything yourself, to an exceptional degree.

But - When things get too big, the owner has to hire and relinquish control. This is where the feeling of golden handcuffs comes into play. We need a team but the team isn't able to perform at our bandwidth (a sign of system problems rather than team problems) so we think to ourselves "If I want it done right I may as well do it myself"

However - this is not how we solve the problem. We solve the problem by learning how to develop systems that operate without us and automations to support that. Thankfully for Claire, she learned both of these within our program.

When she joined us, we helped her to get laser focus and address the systems that needed to be built in the right order that ensured life was getting easy, and the business was growing weekly. Many business owners simply attempt to build processes and systems in the sequence in which they occur, this is wrong.

Meet Claire (team ownership of systems)
Meet Chelsea (focus time)
Meet Cat (production line systems overview)

The results speak for themselves:

600+ businesses:

Successfully building systems and achieving more while doing less.

1,000+ new hires:

Our clients have built their Dream Teams both in-house and off-shore.

14+ exits:

Our clients have built systems to exit and/or move onto greater projects.

Industries we’ve helped:

Accounting, Hospitality, Marketing, Renovation, Agencies, Wholesale, Interior Design, Coaching, Consultants, Signage, Real Estate, Counseling, Dog Walking, Credit, Alcohol, Telecommunication, Fitness, E-Commerce, Manufacturing, Immigration, Automotive, Childhood Centres, Cosmetic Skincare, Education, Legal Services, AirBnb Management, Media Buying, Fashion, Construction, Health Care, Publishing, Food Safety, Organisation, Electrical, Recruiting, Windows / Glazing, Tax Consultancy, Lead Generation, Plumbing, Self-Storage, Brokerage, Property Management, Parkour, Commercial Fuel, Branding Agency, Therapy, Auctions, Hotels, Wealth Management, Web Design, Packaging, Flooring, Mentoring, Investing, Retial, Painting, Roofing, Weddings, Auto Repair Service, Pool Maintenance, Live Events, Orthotics, Security, Software, Language Learning, Community Groups, and Public Relations

Free case study reveals...

How To Build “Operating Systems” To Scale Your Business, Create Time, Increase Profits, Remove errors, and Work Less.