Meet Melissa

A case study on building a production line.

Meet Melissa - she owns a wholesale and retail gift manufacturing company that focuses on functional and fun home items.

Melissa knows how to design and create practical home items that are also filled with humor.

What she didn't know was how to make systems and automated processes work for her and her company.

Admittedly, dealing with complicated systems and counterproductive processes took out a lot of the fun in doing business—which was, ironically, her company's unique selling point.

Let's break it down:

Who? Melissa

Problem: Complicated systems kept Melissa's business from realizing its highest potential. Melissa also spent most of her time putting out mini fires for her team, leaving her with little time to look into innovating and improving the systems already in place.

Solution: Join our Dream Team Intensive (our hands-on consulting program that shows you how to build “operating systems” to scale your business, create time, increase profits, remove errors, and work Less.)

Did it work? It did. With productive systems and automated processes in place, Melissa now has more time to focus on growing her business.

Here's what Melissa had to say on her experience with the Dream Team Intensive:

After working closely with me and going through each of the modules in the program, Melissa has found the motivation to implement processes and systems to scale up her business

More than giving her back her time, I'm glad this course has empowered Melissa to step into her role as business owner—and not just a business operator.

Nothing is more fulfilling to me than seeing once-helpless entrepreneurs regain that spark in their eye after seeing a way around all the bottlenecks and system breakdowns.

Meet Tintti (optimising the team)
Meet Sanna (building systems & hiring)
Meet Jo (Remarkable Business Habits)

The results speak for themselves:

600+ businesses:

Successfully building systems and achieving more while doing less.

1,000+ new hires:

Our clients have built their Dream Teams both in-house and off-shore.

14+ exits:

Our clients have built systems to exit and/or move onto greater projects.

Industries we’ve helped:

Accounting, Hospitality, Marketing, Renovation, Agencies, Wholesale, Interior Design, Coaching, Consultants, Signage, Real Estate, Counseling, Dog Walking, Credit, Alcohol, Telecommunication, Fitness, E-Commerce, Manufacturing, Immigration, Automotive, Childhood Centres, Cosmetic Skincare, Education, Legal Services, AirBnb Management, Media Buying, Fashion, Construction, Health Care, Publishing, Food Safety, Organisation, Electrical, Recruiting, Windows / Glazing, Tax Consultancy, Lead Generation, Plumbing, Self-Storage, Brokerage, Property Management, Parkour, Commercial Fuel, Branding Agency, Therapy, Auctions, Hotels, Wealth Management, Web Design, Packaging, Flooring, Mentoring, Investing, Retial, Painting, Roofing, Weddings, Auto Repair Service, Pool Maintenance, Live Events, Orthotics, Security, Software, Language Learning, Community Groups, and Public Relations

Free case study reveals...

How To Build “Operating Systems” To Scale Your Business, Create Time, Increase Profits, Remove errors, and Work Less.